As indoor-air-quality monitoring becomes a major trend within office buildings, the nation’s largest publicly traded office landlord will be implementing IAQ services via the Senseware platform.
Senseware has announced that Boston Properties, Inc. (BXP) will be implementing Senseware’s solution for real-time indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring across BXP’s portfolio as a part of the company’s healthy building strategy. Senseware’s monitoring technology is the latest addition to BXP’s healthy building initiatives. BXP is the largest publicly traded developer, owner and manager of Class A office properties in the United States.
“As a leader in sustainable and healthy property development and operations, we are pleased to be adding real-time indoor air monitoring to our portfolio,” Doug Linde, President, BXP, says.
“Our data-driven approach to operations, including IAQ management, will be informed by real-time, objective measurement to assure that our buildings are providing optimal conditions for our clients and employees.”
Exclusive Partnership Delivers Substantial IAQ Monitoring to Buildings
Since the beginning of COVID-19, the air quality within buildings has been placed under intense scrutiny from property owners and occupants alike. This falls under a greater initiative across the board of landlords improving the environmental quality of their buildings in hopes of bringing back tenants.
BXP selected Senseware’s IoT platform after a thorough request for proposal (RFP) process. Senseware’s modular hardware and software architecture has been tailored to BXP’s IAQ monitoring needs providing an adaptive and dynamic solution. Providing a customizable Internet of Things (IoT) platform, Senseware provides real-time assurance into areas impacted by ESG, including indoor air quality, energy efficiency, environmental monitoring, and HVAC digitization.